$50,000 Airdrop by VultureSwap Finance

VultureSwap Finance
1 min readDec 19, 2021

We have launched an Airdrop Program and we will distribute a total of $50,000 worth of VULTR Tokens to the community.

➤1000 Winners will be sharing rewards of $50,000 in $VULTR tokens ($50/Winner)

To get the airdrop users to have to follow a few tasks as give bellow-

- ✅Join Telegram Group: https://t.me/VultureSwap
- ✅Follow Twitter: https://twitter.com/VultureSwap
- 🔥Retweet Pinned post
- ✅Join Telegram Channel: https://t.me/VultureSwap_Ano

After following all these tasks submit your wallet address on this form to get the airdrop.

Airdrop Form: https://bit.ly/3p4NBh3

NOTE: To prevent any dump we will not distribute airdrop to all users on the same day as that many bring a dump on token price. so we will distribute airdrop every day in a very small amount ($1500/day).

**We will start distributing Airdrop after 5 days from the launch of Farm. Every day we will give Airdrop to 30 users.

Join the Official social media of VultureSwap

💬 TG Chat: https://t.me/VultureSwap

📣 News Channel: https://t.me/VultureSwap_Ano

🕊️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VultureSwap

📰 Medium: https://vultureswap.medium.com/

📰 Doc: https://docs.vultureswap.finance/

Official website: https://vultureswap.finance/

Join Airdrop- https://bit.ly/3p4NBh3

